Subject: Re: looking for a patch to Apple's HDSC
To: Wada, Tatsuaki <>
From: The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/21/1996 11:14:14
On Tue, 21 May 1996, Wada, Tatsuaki wrote:
> I'm looking for the patch to allow apple's HDSC program to be used with
> non-Apple drives,
> > but this program is not very highly recommended.
Don't know why it's not recommended. I've heard about one report of a
failure... but that was with a drive that probably had other problems. As
long as the drive's otherwise working decently and is relatively current
(please, no 40 meg Quantums from inside IIsi's :-), I would think it would
work just fine.
I also have never heard of a patch, only a pre-patched version that's
floating around. FTP to and cd into apple, then get the file
AppleHDSCSetup7.3.2+.hqx and try that. If you don't go into the system by
hand, the complete URL should be
and nothing should be case sensitive, as the FTP server is running under
Hope that helps,
|David A. Gatwood And Richard Cory, one calm summer night, |
|davagatw@mars Went home and put a bullet through his head.|
| --Edwin Arlington Robinson |
| -or- |
Signature drastically shortened by popular request.