Subject: Re: MkLinux contribution...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Hubert Figuiere <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/22/1996 01:25:27
A (At) 18:36 21/05/96, Allen Briggs ecrivait (wrote):

>> Just a question: What did OSF and/or Apple for the MacBSD project ? Did
>> they gave you some docs ?
>They've given us nothing officially, but I know there are some Apple
>folks lurking on the list and I've spoken with people from both Apple
>and the OSF and they have passed on verbal/moral support for which I
>am (we are) always thankful.  ;-)

I think that Apple should release all the HW docs of 68k since their plan
(even on short term like Copland) does no longer include m68k macs... They
have nothing to loose from their previous point of view (cloning), ansd
everything to win (Mac is the latest platform not fully supported by Linux
or other free UN*X)

I hope they'll be clever enough to think about that...


Hubert Figuiere -
Student and Mac & BeBox developer -