Subject: Wierd problem with PB160 multi-user serial boot
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/23/1996 18:56:29
Hi Everyone.
Much to my amazement, I can actually serial boot from my PB160. Before I
could get too carried away, though, I tried to boot multi-user, and it
wierded out. It gets to this line:
May 23 16:36:08 myname init: kernel security level changed from 0 to 1
and then displays garbage. It doesn't hang, it just displays garbage on the
Zterm console.
I thought I did everything right. I modified the /etc/ttys file. It boots
single user. Being somewhat new to UNIX, my best guess is that there might
be some other configuration file I need to modify? (maybe?) Has anyone else
had this experience?
I am using kernel GENERIC-6 from Puma. All the other custom kernels (ADBTEST,
et. al.) I have tried seem to hang at the can't get video mapping stage,
even when booting serial.
Another thing that makes me think this might be a terminal configuration
conflict is the fact that I tried to mount the root partition read/write
after booting single user in order to modify the /etc/ttys or /etc/gettytab
files with vi. vi didn't work properly. The keys in edit mode seemed to be
mapped all wierd and I couldn't make it do anything.
Can anyone help with this problem? Once again with MacBSD I feel so close, but
yet so far . . .
Thanks for any assistance,