Subject: Thanks for the all the great work!
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steven D. Blackford <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/24/1996 01:40:20
Hello everyone,
I've been following this list and the development of MacBSD for the
last few months. I wanted to say thanks for all the hard work everyone has
put into the effort of MacBSD. I was hoping to be able to install in on my
Quadra 700, but I know it still has SCSI problems. So, I went out and
picked up a few more '030 Mac to give it a shot. :-)
I installed MacBSD on both an SE/30 and my Mac IIsi w/ the tarballs
on and the X-Window packages. Installation was very simple
and I had no problems setting everything up. So I'm finally running Unix
on a Mac. Over the next few days, I'll be hooking them in-line to my
Pentium running Linux. From what I've seen the last few days, that doesn't
seem like it'll take too much. :-) Thanks again.
Take care,
Steve, aka Phoneman