Subject: miniroot
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 05/25/1996 13:33:00
Howdy all!

I was wondering what I have to do to get a miniroot to work?

My problem is that I have a SE/30 I want to have run NetBSD (it's right
next to my working IIsi, and their printer ports are connected). I have
a 100 MB drive in it, w/ 5 MB for NetBSD, 16 MB swap, and 79 MB root
partiton (using SCSI Tools 2.2.1). Unfortunately MkFs doesn't like it;
it asks what drive, I say ID 2, and then it pukes, saying:

modesense page 4(0)
get_deviceinfo returned 2
Partition Read, SCSIID = 0
Error on SCSISelect(), # 2

To me, the above says it's trying to look at SCSI 0 (SCSIID = 0).
I don't have a SCSI 0; just 2 for NetBSD, and a temporary Zip
drive (MacOS format) on 5.

I went looking for the Mkfs source to try and figure this out, but I couldn't
find it. :-(

So I see I have three options:

1) get Mkfs to work right - how?
2) get a miniroot up w/ hfs and tar in it; then read the tar files from the
     Zip & install them on the root. Oh, I'll also need newfs.
3) get a miniroot up w/ ppp and download everything from the other


