Subject: test
To: mac port <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Brian Hechinger <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/03/1996 05:31:34
i just compiled and ran the copyvalue test on two machines (non-mac) and got
these results:

Sun SPARCstation20/100M RAM, SunOS 5.4:

Start simple copy: 
 long: 0.402 seconds
  int: 0.402 seconds
short: 0.402 seconds
 char: 0.401 seconds
Start subroutine calls: 
 long: 0.711 seconds
  int: 0.682 seconds
short: 0.853 seconds
 char: 0.868 seconds

i386dx33/20M RAM, Linux 2.0.7:

Start simple copy:
 long: 4.708 seconds
  int: 5.054 seconds
short: 6.051 seconds
 char: 5.100 seconds
Start subroutine calls:
 long: 11.667 seconds
  int: 11.616 seconds
short: 14.536 seconds
 char: 14.837 seconds

pretty nifty eh??  :)  used gcc 2.7.2 on the Linux box and gcc 2.7.0 on
the Sun.  just did gcc copyvalue.c and ran the a.out file.



****-> Wonko the Sane <--> aka <--> Slack <--> aka <-->  Brian Hechinger <-****
*****   "Love of one is a piece of barbarism: for it is practiced at the  ***** 
*****      expense of all other.  Love of God likewise."  -Nietzsche      *****
****-> <-**-> su; rm -rf / <-**-> <-****

End Transmission.