Subject: Re: Floppy drive access??
To: Steven Sartorius <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/03/1996 16:33:06
On Mon, 3 Jun 1996, Steven Sartorius wrote:

> [...] One thing 
> I can't figure, however, is how to access the internal floppy drive.

Unfortunately, the IWM and SWIM chips used to access the floppies are both
proprietary and undocumented.  Apple hasn't been particularly forthcoming
with the information, as I understand it.

> During the installation process I did build devices but when I looked 
> through /dev I didn't see an fd0 (there is an fd directory, though).

The /dev/fd directory is used for the "fdesc" (file descriptor)
filesystem, not floppies.
