Subject: Re: Floppy drive access??
To: <>
From: Rick C. Petty <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/05/1996 13:37:24
On Mon, 3 Jun 1996, Don Woodward Jr. wrote:

> I'm going to start setting aside some time to work on it as I would like to
> see it work on the Mac - there is source to the Amiga and Sun ports of
> NetBSD on I believe one other person was looking into the
> Mac floppy support also.

I started at one time, but then gave up.  I have the ROM driver 
disassembled if that would be of use to anyone...

--Rick C. Petty,  aka Snoopy                <h1><blink>I hate Netscape!
SQL/Perl/Java/HTML/C++ programmer,,