Subject: Re: scsi kernel crashes - sbc & ncrscsi (long)
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: Hauke Fath <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/16/1996 02:43:19
At 15:13 Uhr 14.06.1996, Jason Thorpe wrote:

>splimp is supposed to

Straight from the horse's mouth... :-)
Thanks for an enlightening and interesting explanation. I do all too often
wish there were more of them; NetBSD is still a mystery to me...

> > This helped  :-)
> > -- for the sbc driver, that is. ncrscsi kernels still don't run on my se/30.
>Is it the _same_ panic with ncrscsi kernels?  If moving splimp -> spl4
>``fixes'' the bug for kernels with an sbc driver, it really ought to do
>the same thing for ncrscsi...

It is the same panic with a kernel from mid-May sources. As I wrote to
Allen, since then every kernel with ncrscsi driver code freezes after
probing the SCSI devices. (machine is vanilla SE/30 + Asante enet card).


"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)