Subject: Re: mac68k snapshot
To: Brad Salai <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/21/1996 13:56:24
> A question, I've always installed the snapshots from a Mac partition using
> the installer. I now have enough room on my netbsd partition for the
> tarballs, and wonder if there is anything that I have to watch out for if I
> tar zxvf them from / ??
> I'll do it as root, but should I also start up in single user mode?
> Brad
I do this all the time with no problems (it's _much_ faster than using
the installer), but b/c of scsi instability in past kernels, it would
occasionally crash while doing this if I was in multi-user doing other
things at the same time. So I would recommend untarring Steve's archives
in single-user if current kernels are still not quite stable.
Colin Wood
Consultant Rice University
Information Technology Services Houston, TX
P.S. Steve, I also truly appreciate all of your efforts in making NetBSD
binaries available. Thanks!