Subject: Re: serial console breaking, etc.
To: Allen Briggs <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/22/1996 15:16:32
> > Is there any way to disable the break signal dropping the system into the
> > debugger?
> Yes. Change ZS_HWFLAG_CONABRT to 0 on line 680 of zs.c.
Yep, that's it. Actually, just remove the "| ZS_HWFLAG_CONABRT" and
all is well.
> ... Maybe there should be an ioctl or something
> to disable the brk into the debugger. Maybe.
I agree. There are two problems:
1) Last time I mentioned new ioctl's on tech-kern, I got flamed or
silence. I'll admit my suggestions could probably have used work, but
that was why I was asking for input. :-) So I'm thinking of a different
2) How do you send these ioctl's? Someone's got to write a zstty-
twiddling program? I have an idea (which will be post-1.2 unless it's
really easy and 1.2 waits a while).
Take care,