Subject: Re: Centris 610?
To: John D. Smerdon <>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/23/1996 09:58:26
> This is what I am seeing on a Centris 650 with printf of ~via2_reg(vBufA)
> in via2_nubus_intr:
> vBufA = 01000000
Hmmm....... FEDCBA9
Looks like internal video. If that interrupt isn't cleared, then
you won't get another via2 interrupt because the interrupt will remain
triggerred. The nubus interrupts won't be enabled until the ethernet
driver is loaded. At that time, the video interrupt gets caught but
not processed.
Have you made any changes to the sources? ~via2_reg(vBufA) gave me 0
on my Q700 the last time I fooled with it.
> vBufA = 01010001
So you have the Asante card in slot D and the internal ethernet is also
on the same network? Slot 9 is where the SONIC shows up on my Q700.
> Slot $D is a Asante nubus ethernet card.
Ah! OK. That makes sense, then. So the interrupts are:
video, Asante, SONIC
> Do you think the bit at 01000000 is the SONIC? Where can I get a copy of
> the SONIC driver?
It's currently in the OpenBSD source tree. It's a hack at the moment.
Allen Briggs - end killing - ** MacBSD == NetBSD/mac68k **
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