Subject: ftpd question
To: <>
From: Rick C. Petty <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 07/31/1996 17:48:05
I hate to do this, but I have nowhere else to turn to.
I'm trying to setup an ftp account on a site (we're running Solaris 2.5).
I setup the user's home directory (/home/user/) but I want the ftpd to
pretend it's at / when that user logs in. We can't do anonymous ftp for
additional security reasons, but I don't want that user to browse around
the system either (cd .., cd /etc/, and so forth). We want to restrict
this user to his home directory only (visible to him only as "/")...
Is there a way to do this? I know some of you have set-up ftp before,
and the man pages are (as usual) unhelpful. If someone could help me
out, I'd appreciate it!
--Rick C. Petty, aka Snoopy <h1><blink>I hate Netscape!
SQL/Perl/Java/HTML/C++ programmer,,