Subject: Re: X niceties
To: David Bushong <dbushong@volga.EECS.Berkeley.EDU>
From: Jell-O <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/07/1996 19:30:57
> 2) Whats the best web browser to use? I've tried phoenix, which never
> worked right (errors and crashes), mosaic (slow, no tables, errors,
> crashes), and arena (forms screwed up and crashes). Arena has been what
> I've been using, but am open to recommendations.
Well, since I had no other choice, I've been telnetting into my
university account and running netscape off of their RS/6000 machine.
Although it's not like running the app on a local machine, it's not
terribly slow going over a 28.8 PPP connection. If you have the
ability to use Netscape over a TCP/IP connection, try it out. Netscape's
a better browser that all of those.