Subject: serial flow ctl and SCSI (was Re: Correct modem signalling for SE/30?
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael L. Kornegay <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/12/1996 21:20:15
In Regards to your letter <Pine.NEB.3.95.960812090958.153A-100000@localhost>:
> I'm running uucp, which hiccups once in a while from what I think is
> probably modem overruns. Does anyone have any idea how the modem
> signalling works? I keep hearing rumblings about DTR/CTS not being
> correctly implemented.
I am also tring to figure this out. I am running the GENERIC 1.1
kernel. I have heard on this list that this kernel had serial and
SCSI problems.
I have noticed overrun and ring errors between my PowerMac and my
SE/30 running NetBSD 1.1. The only way I could get the two computers
to talk was to not use flow control. If anyone knows if flow control
is supposed to work and what settings to use that would be helpful.
I have not noticed any SCSI problems. I am interested in more
specific details on the various rumblings about SCSI problems.
Do they exist on a certain machine type? Just on the PowerBooks?
Just on the newer Macs? And so on?
Michael L. Kornegay