Subject: Re: 1.1 kernels
To: Jell-O <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/13/1996 17:10:16
> They may sound like a stupid question, but why can't we just replace the
> netbsd11 file with code that actually works on more machines? Is it just
> an organizational thing or is it a NetBSD policy to keep the distribution
> source as the default file?
I'm not sure. Maybe we didn't ask the right person to get the patches
snuck in under the wire. But the big fix, the interrupt priority fix,
happened a month after 1.1. :-(
But since 1.2 looks liek it should be out soon (its source has gotten
quite static), the point will be moot. Hopefully. :-)
Take care,