Subject: Oh No! (was:Re: I/O errors...)
To: Space Case <>
From: Chris Mason <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/16/1996 11:13:52
>On Aug 15, 12:55am, Chris Mason wrote:
>>At 7:44 PM 8/14/96, Space Case wrote:
>>>It's now up on puma (
>>Thanks alot
>If you want to try a kernel with a different SCSI driver, give one of
>the SBC kernels a try. Unfortunately, I haven't save a pointer to where
>they are. :(
NFS_22 seems to not have the io problems, (at least in my short testing)
it won't boot without video.
Oh no!
it says something like:
No internal video. Video address is 0xF0005860
Don't know how to relocate video.
Then it jumps into the debugger.
How does the sbc driver differ from the ncr driver? Will it work with a
Quantum Lightning drive??? Does anyone have experiences with SBC and
|Christopher Mason --|
|"You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style."-Nabokov|