Subject: Re: sigh, even more questions
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: John P. Wittkoski <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/16/1996 20:18:33
Scott Reynolds wrote:

> Well, wouldn't you know, I had forgotten about that particular problem on
> some machines.  If I recall correctly, the IIsi is one machine that this
> currently doesn't work on -- because powering the system off requires some
> interaction with the ADB.  Machines that can shut down by twiddling a bit
> in one of the VIAs already power down just fine.

If you are using one of the ADBTEST kernels, the poweroff function does 
work. It should also work on any other machines that use the IIsi-like
ADB hardware AND have hardware support the "soft-poweroff" capability.

Since I'm mostly settled here in California (finally), I plan to 
start working on getting the ADBTEST kernels up to date and improving 
support for  more machines. In addition, the ADB home page will probably 
be moving to puma sometime soon.

I'll be sure to mail to the list as things improve.
