, "port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob Nestor <rnestor@metronet.com>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/22/1996 18:07:40
Jell-O writes:
>Whenever I run either Netscape or Mosaic and have it displayed on my
>machine, it seems that both of them open a window that exceeds my
>desktop geometry. This happens most of the time at the bottom of the
>screen. I've edited my Netscape.ad f
OK Jon, I'll bite. Since you posted to port-mac68k this must be Mac
related, and since you mentioned the Netscape.ad file you must be running
on MacBSD. I know you have a Performa-550, so the $64,000 question is
"What version of Netscape did you find that runs on NetBSD/mac68k?"
-bob -- even more confused about certain X programs ...