Subject: Re: New Problem: Odd Terminal situation...
To: Steven Carlson <>
From: Jason W. Fogt, WWC RCA <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/24/1996 19:39:28
On Sat, 24 Aug 1996, Steven Carlson wrote:

> >Now I've got a new problem...
> >
> >Every time I log in as root, it asks me for a terminal...I know thats ok,
> >I like that, in fact if I could do something so the users would get the
> >prompt too it would be nice... but then the problem is it defaults to
> >'unknown'... so I'm figuring its a problem in configuration, perhaps Im
> >missing vt files or something, or misconfigured .login and .cshrc (but
> >even on a whim I tried the root's .login and .cshrc as a regular user and
> >it still failed)...
> >When it prompts I can type in 'vt100' and it seems to work ok...
> >
> >However, since users default to 'unknown' they get problems with vi and
> >other software..
> >
> >Another problem is with the 'delete' key... it works perfectly when I log
> >in as root, or in single-user mode, but when I log in as a /user/, it
> >ACTS like the delete key, at least, the BSD box treats it like it
> >deleted, but on my end it displays '^?' (i.e, the cntrl character is
> >shown)
> Try putting stty echoe in your .cshrc or .login file.  I think the terminal
> prompt is done in one of the .login or .cshrc files. Don't know though.

Well, the hypermagical command that I have found to work (credited to some
nameless person in our DSM department here at the U of Chicago) is:

# Change the 'vt100' to the type of terminal you normally use
set noglob; eval `tset -sQ -m "dialup:?wy75" -m "network:?wy75" "?$TERM"`
unset noglob
stty dec crt

which belongs in the user's .login file.

Jason W. Fogt

Jason W. Fogt             |"What then shall we say in response to this -  If| God is for us, who can be against us ?" - Rom. 8:31