Subject: Re: SBC probs
To: John F. Woods <>
From: Chris Mason <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/30/1996 09:50:19
At 12:10 AM 8/30/96, John F. Woods wrote:
>This sounds like a failing disk. You will lose more and more blocks until
>it fails entirely, and fsck is not going to help.
What makes you think it's failing?? This disk is less than 6 months old
(obviously this doesn't mean it can't fail, it just seems rather unlikely
that it would). Its been used very infrequently for the first 4 and then
I've been using it regularly for about a month now. I've done several
formats on the drive, each followed by what seemed to be extensive media
checks (sequential _and_ random read _and_ write, it took almost 3 hours),
which discovered no errors.
>When you did the format, what utility did you use? Did you do a media
>certification pass, or just a format? Format discovers only completely
>destroyed sectors; a good media certification will uncover weak sectors
>as well.
I've tried several: Anubis, SCSI Director, FWB Primer, and an old version
of PLI Formatter. Which do you recommend?
How can I be sure that this is a hardware problem and not software??
|Christopher Mason - |
|"You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style."-Nabokov|