Subject: Future IDE hangups
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Jason Godfrey <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/31/1996 11:48:00
I've seen rumors that there is someone working on an IDE driver for NetBSD.
In therory, once that is completed those with an internal IDE drive will be
able to run NetBSD. I'm wondering if maybe there are a few more obstacles
to overcome:
1. Formatting the drive. I took a look at the formatter that came with my
Q630, and as near as I can tell there is no way to partition the drive. Has
anyone actually ever formatted their IDE drive and knows if it can be
partitioned? (I was leary of going past the warning dialog box becasue I
didn't know home many warnings I had left before I had an empty drive.) If
it can be partitioned with the software that came with the computer, does
it support AUX partitions?
I rather doubt that Apple HD SC setup and such, that were designed for
SCSI drives, work on IDE drives. Am I wrong?
2. The installer and Booter. Do they use generic MacOS disk routines, or
will we need to add IDE supprt to them too?
I'm not sure if these are actual issues or not. Comments?
Jason Godfrey
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