Subject: MacBSD on Outbound Mac
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Tom \"Tom\" Harrington <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/04/1996 22:51:27
Does anyone know of any attempts, successful or otherwise, to install
and run MacBSD on an Outbound laptop?  As far as I can tell, the only
potential hitch is that the internal HD is IDE, which I gather is not
supported yet.  It *seems* that it should work on an external SCSI, but
I thought I'd ask first.

[For those of you wondering what the heck an Outbound is:  Outbound
was a company that made Mac laptops before Apple did.  They got around
Apple licensing rules by buying old Macs, stripping out the ROMs (and
maybe other stuff), and then installing them in their own laptop systems.
Mine is an Outbound 2030E, which has a 68030/68882 at 33MHz, but with the
ROM's from a Mac SE.  It's *completely* Mac-compatible, just in a
configuration that Apple never made.  They were great systems but they
couldn't compete with Apple on price once Powerbooks came out.]

Thanks for any help,

Tom Harrington --------- ---------
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