Subject: Re: Newbie questions....
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Johan Claesson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 09/09/1996 14:26:16
Do as following:
1. type /usr/sbin/vipw or /sbin/vipw (I hope you can manage the vi-editor, if
not - check with <man vi>)
2. Move the cursor to the last line and type in the new user
A user account string looks like this: root:x:0:1:0000-Admin(0000):/:/sbin/sh
Where the fields are:
<username>:<password>:<userid>:<groupid>:<The full name of the user>:<Home
Keep this in mind:
- Enter * as the password and then use <passwd username> to change the password!
- Enter a unique userid.
Example: john:456:0:0:John Travolta:/home/john:/bin/csh
3. Exit (Escape - ZZ) and check for errors.
4. Create the Home directory by typing: mkdir /home/john
5. Change the owner by typing: chown john /home/john
6. Add the user to the group "wheel" by typing: vi /etc/groups
Add the following after the last word of the wheel line: ,john
7. Exit - Done! You may also use: chsh to fillout some more info about the user.
Good Luck!
/Johan Claesson