Subject: Re: separate root and swap drives?
To: Scott Reynolds <>
From: Space Case <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/04/1996 23:14:46
On Oct 5, 12:29am, Scott Reynolds wrote:
>On Fri, 4 Oct 1996, Steven Campbell wrote:
>> Hi. I've been meaning to ask this one for quite some time now.
>> How do I set up MacBSD on my machine so that I have a separate drive for
>> root&usr and another separate drive for swap?

>Guess what?  According to a comment I just read today, that's not
>possible.  The alternative is to put a very small swap partition on the
>same disk as root (say, 4MB) and put a larger one on a second disk.  This
>will require a custom kernel, though; there are examples in
>sys/arch/mac68k/conf that you can look at (I think).

If I'm not mistaken, the swap space that will be used on the second disk
will be no more than what is available on the first disk, even if the
swap partition is larger.


Steven R. Allen -

Faith is the quality that enables you to eat blackberry jam on a picnic
without looking to see whether the seeds move.

Contrary to popular belief, Unix is user friendly.  
It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.

"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is
lightly greased."
		-- Kehlog Albran, "The Profit"