Subject: NetBSD 1.2 & Mac IIsi
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Joshua Krage <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/07/1996 07:55:23
I downloaded the 1.2 release this weekend and stuck it on my IIsi.
This was a completely new installation; I mkfs'd (via the Mac app) my
partitions first.  The installation went well (with a LOVELY new
Installer; 1.1).  But it doesn't work. :(

It boots and switches into NetBSD, but bombs before I can even get a
single user shell up.  The last few lines of my screen are at the
bottom of my message.

I'm not familiar with the NetBSD debugger; is there a command I can
use to get a dump of everything ala STDLOG in MacsBug so I can send it
to one of y'all for debugging?

Since it looks like a kernel fault, I'll be trying the latest ADBTEST
in the near future to see if I have any better results.  Any thoughts
or comments on this?

Has anyone else seen the PRAM message, been hosed, and fixed it?


Screen output:
Changing root device to sd1a.
PRAM: Battery clock has earlier time than UNIX fs.

<nothing happens for a while; hit the Return key>

panic: kernl jump to zero
Stopped at      _Debugger+0x6:    unlk    a6