Subject: Re: configuring a kernel
To: Glenn Johnson <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/07/1996 15:42:06
> Is there any documentation about what options are available for building =
> custom kernels for netbsd/mac68k? If not, then what options should the =
> average user (who needs or wants to build their own kernel) be aware of? =
> I am aware of sbc vs. ncr SCSI as I just made this change, but I have a =
> feeling that there is much more to play with. Thanks in advance for your =
> help. By the way, you guys doing all the coding and hacking are doing a =
> great job.
I'm working on a slightly updated kernel building howto. Check out:
The last section of this document contains a somewhat well-commented list
of options that I've compiled from several config files.
Colin Wood
Consultant Rice University
Information Technology Services Houston, TX