Subject: Color X kit & int vid
To: MacBSD Mailing list <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Mack Nagashima <mackn@CSUA.Berkeley.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/13/1996 16:47:12
Is there a color kernel (1.2) which works on the IIsi ? BTW..does
anyone have a RasterOps 24SX? i can't get mine to work with any
kernel... keeps giving me some mem error..about 32 bit adressing... i'm
guessing it's because of the on board RAM for the card...(can be used as
a RAM disk...maybe it's screwing with the mem maps) Anywayz..just
wondering...cuz i usually skip all the color kit threads because last i
heard..the IIsi int vid wasn't really a priority for that project...