Subject: Re: Status of PowerBook 165c ?
To: None <davagatw@Mars.utm.edU>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/14/1996 11:09:06
thanks for your explanations! I still can't install NetBSD, but
at least have an inkling of the reasons...
> You might try ADBtest 160. I don't know whether adb will work on that one
> or not. Give it a shot.
I tried. Does not work. It freezes in the ADB part.
(Last messages were...
adb: bus subsystem
Got following HwCfgFlags: 0xfd00, 0x 405f3f, 0x 213902, 0x ac3e28
mrg: skipping egret setup
adb: calling ADBReInit
abd: using PowerBook 100-series hardware support
adb: cleanup: nothing returned
Thanks anyway,