Subject: Re: Carrera040
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Stephen J. Alexander <Stephen.J.Alexander@Dartmouth.EDU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/21/1996 12:31:00
--- Janko Luin wrote:
Video address 0xfee08000 -> 0xbb4000.

...and then it stopped.
--- end of quoted material ---

Try this:

>From <>, a document which is also
included with the booter utility distribution:

Under the heading "Boot Options Ad Nauseam," this describes the function of one
of the checkboxes which can be accessed by selecting the "Booting..." item in
the Options menu in the "NetBSD/Mac68k Booter" Application:

Don't disable VBL interrupts on video cards 
Booter versions after version 1.8 attempt to disable vertical blanking (VBL)
interrupts on all active video cards found, because current 
implementations of the grf_mv (Macintosh QuickDraw-compatible NuBus video card)
driver do not handle VBL interrupts reliably. If this 
process fails (and it should be obvious if it fails; an error code is printed
and the boot stops) then you should check this box and try 
booting again.

