Subject: Ethernet not configured?
To: port-mac68k <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/25/1996 22:12:52
Help!  Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

I just got an Apple Ethernet card and popped it into my Performa-550 and 
booted up a NetBSD GENERIC-current Kernel.  The following messages get 

Oct 25 21:05:32 pluto /netbsd: fpu0 at obio0 (mc68882)
Oct 25 21:05:32 pluto /netbsd: nubus0 at mainbus0
Oct 25 21:05:32 pluto /netbsd: nubus0: slot e: Apple Ethernet LC 
Twisted-Pair Card (Vendor: Copyright (C) 1987-1993 Apple Computer, Inc. 
All Rights ReservedApple Ethernet LC Twisted-Pair Card, Part: 341-0740)  
not configured
Oct 25 21:05:32 pluto /netbsd: Changing root device to sd0a.

The first part looked encouraging - the card was found, but what's the 
"not configured" mean and what am I missing?  I looked into MAKEDEV, but 
there doesn't appear to be an option for making Ethernet devices.  Is 
this done manually?  If so, how?
