Subject: Re: mouse buttons not faq i hope
To: Colin Wood <>
From: John Ostrowick <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/28/1996 07:59:32
>Can you use xmodmap to remap the option and control keys?
i don't know. I'd imagine so. i just copied my xmodmaprc file from a faq
which re-enabled the up and down arrow keys, but it was not very obvious
how to. You basically need to know what the incantations are for the key on
the kbrd, as well as the hexadecimal for what you want it to become. that's
why i asked, ebcause i've no clue. I imagine you already have this
corrected in your xmodmaprc file :-)
i'm sure you're right. the question is HOW TO now of course :-\
John Ostrowick
Computer Science Department, University of the Witwatersrand
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