Subject: Annoying, rather off-topic request...
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Allan 'Norm' Crain <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 10/31/1996 17:53:29
Anyone looking to get rid of a 10base2 NuBus ethernet card? I'd like to 
get my new Mac on which I plan to run NetBSD onto my housewide network, 
and Macintosh NuBus Ethernet cards are damn expensive.. :( Anyone willing 
to sell one for under $50, or (preferably) give me one in exchange for 
web/ftp/shell space on my Linux boxen and (once it's there) my NetBSD 
mac? (Note, it doesn't actually have to be a card that works with NetBSD, 
as long as it works with MacOS 7.5.x and above...)

Allan "Norm" Crain |  |
"We'll have fun fun fun 'till my daddy takes the T1 away"