Subject: SCSI Hard Drive.
To: NetBSD for mac mailing list <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael J. Bedy <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/03/1996 18:23:19
Ok, sorry if this is a lot of questions, but I'm trying to figure
out what to do here:
1) I would like to be able to run NetBSD, so I can program using
g++. It is what MTU uses, and as much as I like CodeWarrior, it would be
easier if I could use my home system with g++.
so Here are the questions:
I am planning to upgrade my hard drive anyway (I have one of those
unfortunate IDE drive right now). I have two choices, buy an external SCSI
drive, or replace the internal IDE drive. What I want to know is this. If
I spend the sigficant extra money to get the SCSI drive, will NetBSD run
on my Performa 630? (68LC040)
Another question: How much room will NetBSD require have g++ and
X-windows installed? (It does do X windows, right?)
Third: (And unrelated to NetBSD) Does anyone know a good place to
get about a 1.2 gig SCSI external hard drive?
My main concern would be getting the SCSI drive, finding out that
NetBSD doesn't work anyway, and I just blew about $100 extra bucks.
Michael Bedy