Subject: Re: base 12
To: Bill Studenmund" , "alex <>
From: Bob Nestor <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/03/1996 21:59:21
>Bob Nestor has patched MkFS to take care of the problem, and was planning
>to work on the installer too (it's a simple patch).

Well, yes the patch is simple but getting it in isn't (for me).  My old 
version of Think C keeps crashing and converting the Installer to build 
under CodeWarrior requires a lot of changes to the sources.  So yes I've 
got the code, but no I haven't gotten them installed yet.  I sent a 
message off to someone who last worked on the Installer to see if he'd 
integrate the changes but I haven't heard back from him yet.

Unless Alex used the newer "mkfs" to build his partitions he wouldn't 
have run into this problem with the Installer.  The old version of mkfs 
would have nailed his hard disk before the Installer got to it.
