Subject: Re: Compiling a new Kernel
To: Derrick Hutchinson <>
From: Scott Reynolds <scottr@Plexus.COM>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/04/1996 11:32:00
On Mon, 4 Nov 1996, Derrick Hutchinson wrote:

> Scott, I tried what you mentioned, but the kernel I compiled croaked with a
> rapidly repeating message of: "slot_noint() slot d" sent to the screen.
> This does correspond with the slot the nubus video card was in.

Make sure that "Don't disable VBL interrupts" -- I'm going from memory
here, but that's close enough :-) -- is -not- checked.  You want the
interrupts disabled.

> Someone had compiled a kernel last
> year for me which successfully ignored the ethernet card, it was called
> netbsd.noae.11.28--I believe John Wittkowski (sp?) created it for me.

The `ae' driver is for the Ethernet card.  This should work fine, in fact,
if you don't try to use the Ethernet, but you've indicated otherwise.

> I was also interested in using a second
> drive for swap in addition to the one currently used--when do I need to
> look to let the kernel know how to use this?

Look at the PUMA kernel config file for an example; the line you want to
look for is `config netbsd root on ...'.
