Subject: Re: I've installed it, now what?
To: Jamie Le Tual <>
From: Colin Wood <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/17/1996 03:16:22
> I've installed the complete system (1.2) with the generic11 kernel. I've
> got the serial console working and it boots, and everything. I can't
> figure out why I can't even create a directory. It's telling me that it's
> a read-only system. My computer is an LC475, and the partitions I installed
> were an 80 meg Root & Usr partition, a 26 meg Usr partition, and a 24 meg
> swap partition. I'm not sure what other pertinant information to give. Did I
> set it up wrong?
I'm sure your setup is just fine. Chances are you are in single-user
mode, though, where the filesystems are mounted read-only. You just need
to type exit and the system will boot into multi-user mode where the
filesystems are usually mounted read-write.
Take a look at the FAQ (
for a more indepth reply to this one (or so I seem to remember).
Colin Wood
Consultant Rice University
Information Technology Services Houston, TX