Subject: Re: Problems building a working current kernal...
To: None <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/25/1996 11:01:57
> Hello, everyone.
> I have been using NetBSD for quite some time now (since the 1.0 release),
> and have had no problems compiling various programs and systems to work
> with it (at least problems beyond the norm for UNIX compiling..)
> Any help anyone can give me on this would be greatly appreciated, as I am
> nearing wits end on trying things. I also liked the idea of having a working
> vmstat and reboot, so upgrading to a post-1.2 kernal would be greatly
> appreciated.
Did you build the new config? It changed recently. Also, did you do a
make clean && make depend && make after configuring? Not "make clean"ing
can cause all sorts of weird errors.
> P.S. The high number of bpf's is due to the fact that CAP is used rather
> heavily on this machine.
I thought that if you were using something like UAR, that CAP would just
hook one bpf on each network interface. I didn't know it'd need lots of
bpf's (since couldn't one bpf catch all the appletalk traffic?). Am
I missing something?
Take care,