Subject: Re: mac68k kernel for OpenBSD 2.0
To: Allan 'Norm' Crain <>
From: None <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/27/1996 10:08:10
> According to their web page, OpenBSD/mac68k==Netbsd/mac68k.

Not quite.  According to their web page, "The mac68k port has no
architecture specific changes from the NetBSD/mac68k port."  This means,
as Scott pointed out, nothing about the rest of the system.  I've just
updated this info so that it's more clear...

> swipes everything from NetBSD and then adds their own stuff.

Sort of.  They're also "swiping" from FreeBSD and other places.

> Don't ask me why they don't just work on the NetBSD project... Probably
> political

Basically political.  The person who started OpenBSD was once a member
of NetBSD's core group.  As Scott has said, the reasons for the split
do not belong on this mailing list.


              Allen Briggs - end killing -