Subject: Re: cu
To: xiamin <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 11/30/1996 10:53:20
> im trying to get cu to work so that i can log in to my shell acocunt and
> read how-to's and the like with out booting into macOS, but when i do <cu
> -l /dev/tty01 -s 9600> and i start to type the modem init string, it gives
> me a write error. i have write permission on tty01. im using tty01 because
> i assuume its the printer port, and thats were my modem is. also, whenever
> theres some inverse video text, like when i do ls -laF | more all the text
> after it is inversed too. does anyone know how to fix these things? heres
> yet another newbie question, how would i go about installing pine and
> pico(more pico, i dont know vi and ed at all)? thank you for your time.
The problem is that our cu doesn't deal well with real modems. You
need to put it in "clocal" mode to make it work. Basically it opens
the tty (01 is the printer port) and won't actually send data until
the modem's detected carrier. You can see the problem if you want to
try to tell the modem how to dial!
I think you can edit one of the config files (though I don't know which one)
to tell it to add "clocal" mode to it's setup. Then it'll work.
Take care,