Subject: Re: Mounting /usr in Install Utility
To: Robert Nestor <>
From: Scott Reynolds <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/06/1996 00:43:46
On Thu, 5 Dec 1996, Robert Nestor wrote:

> NetBSD partitions must be "Root&Usr" type to be found and used.

Actually, this isn't quite true.  On one of my machines, for example, I
create the following partitions with a patched version of Apple HD SC
Setup 7.3.2 (the patch is the one available on at least the umich mirrors,
and probably the Info-Mac mirrors as well).

a:    20480K A/UX Root slice 0
b:    49014K A/UX Swap slice 1
e:    31859K A/UX Usr slice 2
f: 284281.5K A/UX Usr slice 2

As you can see, I don't even have a "Root & Usr slice 0" on my system. :-)

As for why simplying doing a `mkdir /usr' and then trying to mount it is
failing, that's probably because you have the wrong slice type for the
/usr partition.
