Subject: Installation CD
To: Port-mac68k Majordomo <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Giovanni Botta <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/06/1996 15:27:57
Hello everybody,

Does anybody know if is available a CD with the complete installation of 
How many probabilities can I have to get NetBSD working (with X also...) 
on a Quadra 610? (gimme some hope)

Thanks in advance!

|Giovanni Botta              |
|Rigel Engineering s.r.l.    |
|p.zza Attias 21/C           |
|57125 Livorno - Italy       |
|tel.:  ++39-586-210222      |
|fax :  ++39-586-210255      |
|email:    |