Subject: Re: NetBSD-Mach?
To: The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] <davagatw@Mars.utm.edU>
From: Christian Kuhtz <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/10/1996 00:52:47
On Mon, 9 Dec 1996 18:58:12 -0600 (CST), "The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. =
Gatwood]" <davagatw@Mars.utm.edU> wrote:
> Well, since the Mach Microkernel is evidently based on a code base similar
> to the BSD's, that could make things easier.
*grrr* The mk is not based on BSD code, except for some drivers and assembly =
snippets. The BSD OS server is. Are you sure you are not confusing the =
two? It's not like it is incredibly easy to discern the two in Mach-UX.
> That was what I was thinking, especially some of the stuff that's a pain
> to write.... Like the Assembly Language code. :-)
You will not get around the assembly portion. Learn it, use it, and then =
get a life. ;-)
> > Well, you don't need a second booting partition to use the multi-server
> > part of mach. You can run it off a zip untill it out grow that. Just
> Right. EZ135. Same dif.
Aha. And you are accessing the ZIP from the Mach mk how? ;-) Oh, you are =
saying you have boot blocks that don't care and load anything from any SCSI =
device? ;-)
You can't get there from here. At least not non-stop. Start with something =
simple like a boot block which loads Mach-O or a.out and runs it. That is =
more than enough to mess with the Mach mk. =20
Then, integrate a Minix fs, or similiar cheap-o-filesystem. No point in =
wasting time on funky filesystems while none of the rest of the kernel is =
working. You will not be able to use the fs from the kernel for a long time =
Burning the kernel onto the disk, with a stupid boot block loader is the =
best way to start, IMHO.
Christian Kuhtz - hm, - wk=20=
Paranet, Inc.