Subject: Re: NetBSD installation
To: None <>
From: Stephen C. Brown <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/26/1996 17:58:06

The symptoms you are describing usually happen when the files are not
downloaded in "binary" mode.  Are you sure you checked the "binary"
radio button under "Fetch"??

Steve Brown,

>Hi, I am new to NetBSD, so probably I am doing a stupid mistake.
>Hi have partitioned a HD with 20 MB for MacOS, 125 MB Root & Usr, 25 MB for
>Swap and 3 MB Eschatology.
>I have also formated Root & Usr with mkfs and when I use Install, the partition
>/ gets mounted, I can use ls, rm and I can install the Kernel, I have used
>I have also downloaded base12 and etc12, but if try to install them, the
> installer aborts with error 1, it briefly shows "try with cpin cpout".
>I tried this mode, but it only copy the files to the unix side.
>If I use gzip and tar to decompress the files, they also find that these are
>not gzip files and tar finds also errors.
>The tree files, etc12, base12 and the kernel were downloaded with fetch 3.0.
>Could anyone be so kind to give me a hand ??
>Sincerely, Fernando Ubiria