Subject: X-server problems
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Ewering <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/28/1996 19:15:39
Hello !

I have a problem with the X server. I use madhatter#35-kernel with
the xserver.961105.

The xserver won«t start if the Mac is in 256-color-mode.

When the mac is in 640x480 resolution, the xserver starts, but i am unable
to start additional xterms.
When the mac is in 832x624 resolution, the xserver hungs after it
"Screen 0 at 0x41ad000, 832 by 624, rowB 832, fbase 0."
>From that on, i could not get back to any prompt or shell, so i have to
reset the mac by the reset switch.

Is somebody using the G16 or G17 kernels on a Quadra 700 ?
On my mac the bootprocess stops after "[preserving....]"

Thanks, bye

Christoph Ewering
Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
33104 Paderborn