Subject: Swap partition
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Bobart <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/30/1996 07:31:18
Hey everyone,
        I have a Quadra 840av and I am REAL excited about the prospect of
running NetBSD on it. I had an 80 meg Apple/Quantum HD and set it up to
boot NetBSD. Unfortunately, the booter hangs (mouse freezes). I only made
my swap partition 20 megs, but unfortunately ( not unfortunate in all other
cases) I have 40 megs of ram. I am wondering if this might be causing the
crash. I realize that I *should* have a swap partition that is twice the
size of my real ram but I don't have the disk space currently available.

-Dave Bobart

>>>-> >>>-> >>>-> >>>-> >>>-> >>>-> >>>->
There once was a system called VMS
Of cycles by no means abstemious.
It's chock-full of hacks
And runs on a VAX
And makes my poor stomach all squeamious.
                  -- The Great Quux
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