Subject: DayStar 040 PowerCache
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Dinsdale Piranha <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/31/1996 02:06:15
Since nobody responded to my previous request for an answer as to whether
or not this accelerator card is *definitely* working with MacBSD...

...I'd like to try asking if anyone can *theorize* whether or not it might.
:)  Thanks once again...

   ____  _             __     __   "Great spirits have always encountered
  / __ \(_)__  ___ ___/ /__ _/ /__   violent opposition from mediocre
 / /_/ / / _ \(_-</ _  / _ `/ / -_)   minds."
/_____/_/_//_/___/\_/_/\_/_/_/\__/               -- A. Einstein