Subject: fvwm Problems, 3 Button problem
To: None <port-mac68k@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christoph Ewering <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1997 14:13:43
Hello everybody and a happy new year!

I installed the fvwm 1.24r and now I'm having some problems.

The fvwm works fine, i use it with the same .fvwmrc that i use at
university with our suns. But i think the fvwm has some redraw
problems. Sometimes when i switch the window, or move the window, some
parts of the window at the last position are left, but this is only a
But the redraw of GoodStuff is really bad, everytime when i click on some
icons (in fact there are only the names, because i have no icons installed
yet) i seems to me, that the redraw is done a few lines under the original
position of the GoodStuff. After three clicks, the whole gets messed up,
and it is unreadable.
Don't know if it is a problem of the fvwm, the madhatter#35-Kernel or
of the xserver.

Than i have a problem with the .fvwmrc.
I changed the mouse-bindings, because i want to use the Ctrl and Shift key
to emulate the second and third button of the mouse.
I've managed to emulate another button of the mouse with the Ctrl-key, but
i got an error-messages for every other key-kombinations like Shift,
Shift-Ctrl or Meta (but it is documented in the man-pages)

I tried something like this:
#     Button    Context Modifi  Function
Mouse 1         R       N       WindowList
Mouse 1         R       C       PopUp "Manager"
Mouse 1         R       S       PopUp "Tools"

And the third line gave an error.

Is there a binary-archive where i can find xload, xclock,xmailwatcher, 
pine etc. ?
How much diskspace do i need for a complete compiler installation ?
But I don't know if it makes sense to install the compiler, because if i
ran into trouble i can't help myself, cause i'm an unexperienced
programmer. That's why i'm looking for binaries. :-)

Bye, thanks,

Christoph Ewering
Husarenstrasse 48         Fon: 05254 12555
33104 Paderborn