Subject: Re: Installing secr11 and secr.tar.gz broke telnet
To: James D. Skee <>
From: Andrew Brennan <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1997 12:39:33
On Fri, 20 Dec 1996, James D. Skee wrote:

> /usr/libexec/ warning: minor version >= 8 expected, 
> 	using it anyway
> /usr/libexec/ Undefined symbol "_dst_realm_sz" in telnet:telnet
> I am not versed at all with programming, but followed the instructions in
> qpopper's INSTALL as close as possible, which is why I decided to install
> the secr* tar files. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could give me
> an answer before I leave today, so I can at least telnet into my server
> from home and work on getting a pop server up.

   Did anyone get back to you on this?  I neglected to read your post 
   before reinstalling the tarballs yesterday and now my box is also
   quite crippled.  I'd rather *not* reinstall base to fix it - I'll
   probably rip open secr.tar.gz and find the matching files in the
   tarballs dist to make a nosecr.tar.gz to take home.  :^)

   If no one did reply, here's another person with the same problem.
