Subject: Re: Installer/Disk Problem
To: Alan C. Bindemann <>
From: The Great Mr. Kurtz [David A. Gatwood] <davagatw@Mars.utm.edU>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 01/02/1997 12:46:56
On Thu, 2 Jan 1997, Alan C. Bindemann wrote:

> Error on SCSIRead(), # 5

Am error like that at the beginning of installation (mounting) is normal.
An error like that during the installation, AFAIK, is not.  The first
thing I'd suggest checking is SCSI termination.  The internal drive at ID
0 should be terminated already, which takes care of the beginning end of
the chain.  No other drives on the chain should be terminated except the
last device.  Also, try changing SCSI cables.  Some lower-quality SCSI
cables can introduce noise into the system that may be covered up by
MacOS's error checking.  Finally, "pass-through" terminators may not work
satisfactorily.  Switching to terminators with only one connector may help
matters, and switching to active termination may improve things 
significantly under some circumstances.

Of course, that may not be the problem.  It could simply be a strange
software issue.  No way to be certain.  Thoughts, anyone?


> Quantum 730S Lightning Drive


> Unfortuately, my the Drive started complaining about bad blocks and I
> had to reformat the drive and start over :<  Now that I have a
> reformatted drive I can't get NetBSD back on the system (sigh...)

If those bad blocks were under NetBSD, it was a driver problem, and will
probably start showing up as soon as you get it to boot.  Download an sbc
kernel and things should be okay.


|David A. Gatwood             And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,  |
|davagatw@mars              Went home and put a bullet through his head.|
|              --Edwin Arlington Robinson         |
| -or- |